Life is hard, friends. It's hard for every person, at every stage of life, and for many, many different reasons. However, there are so many good things about life that allow people like me to "just keep swimming."
I am five days away from being able to go back to Texas and attend Austin City Limits Music Festival for the fourth time along with my sister, cousin, and father. BUT before I am set free, I have to struggle my way through what might be one of the more difficult weeks of my life. I have three tests (one Wednesday, two Friday), and several other homework assignments (such as programming work and reading about half a book en français). What keeps me from losing my mind, you ask? Well, as I am sitting in the library at 11:39 pm on Monday, September 29 typing this blog post, my answer has to be the future. Future adventures I might have, future friendships that might spring, future excitement that is to come is what gets me through this week from H-E-double hockey sticks. Knowing that after completing a French test, a Humanities midterm, and a Computer Science exam, I can jump on a plane and be with my family is making everything seem just a little bit brighter.
So, knowing that this week would be absolutely insane, I took it easy yesterday and decided to go on a solo hike and complete my homework and reading assignments in nature (so Sewanee, right?). I pulled on my fancy Chaco's (aka car seats for my feet), hopped on my bike, and STARTED SOMEWHERE.
Also, gang, when I logged onto Blogger tonight I saw that my blog is at exactly 10,000 views. I know that might not be much for having this blog for almost 3 years, but I am incredibly thankful and happy that people have taken the time to actually read what I write!
So, to whoever is reading this, THANK YOU.