Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fall Frenzy

I know what you're thinking: But Anne, it's December! It's not fall, it's winter!
Au contraire, my friend. I have the pleasure to live in San Antonio, TX, when it's summer all the time! I kind of hate it and kind of like it (but right now I'm really hating it). I mean it's 80 degrees on December 8th. Really, Texas? Really?? I have yet to break out my favorite sweaters or my tall moccasins. That's a problem.

Anyways, my cousins came to visit my fam today, and while we were walking around in my backyard, I made my cousin, Abby, pose for me. The sun was shining just right, and the leaves from the trees finally began to fall (hence the title of this post).

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